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CVP: The Hallmark of Quality Education.

Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in humans.

                                                                                                     Swami Chinmayanada

From philosophical thought to actualization of the above adage, it’s a long journey. That journey continues from KG to PG sailing through myriad experiences, upheaval, trials and tribulations. The warp and woof of these experiences forms the factors that can either mar or make an individual’s personality. Most of the students are affected by the experiences they get in schools while some are able to manage themselves well. It is the values they get from the schools that make them valuable to the society in which they live.


Often the education systems talk about quality education through the parameters of marks or grades obtained by an individual or the success achieved in terms of finding a lucrative job with hefty pay package. Every now and then there has been a harping of value-based education also aiming at imparting education to students that instills values in them. A lot of ideologies have been formulated by many educational institutes to fulfill this requirement through value education classes (assigned in the time table or preaching the ideologies of an individual). These efforts mainly turn out to be a lip service with very little output. Chinmaya Vidyalayas stand out from the crowd of the aforementioned educational institutes because of the unique flavor of the education they provide which makes their school –School With A Difference (SWAD).


What forms the basis of this SWAD? It is the Chinmaya Vision Programme (CVP) which aims at holistic education through curricular and Co-curricular activities which are organized at school. The value system that’s the hallmark of Chinmaya Vidyalayas are actually based on the pillars of values that not only enable a child to be self-empowered with academics but also guide him/her to add value to self by being physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually sound so that he/she contributes to the society around him/her, serve the cause of nation by safeguarding the legacy of its culture and integrity of the country. All these value system then prepares him/her to face the world considering himself/herself as the citizen of the world. These values are not just the philosophy but the students are made to think and live these values through their lessons in every subject and activities they perform. This makes it a natural way of acquiring values rather than talking about it or just bringing it as a topic of discussion. The effort in education through CVP has been to transform the children from hackneyed euphemists of ‘argumentative Indians’ to ‘practicing progenies’ of Indian value system in the high-tech societies which are witnessing the ebbing of morality in every walk of life. Where the accelerating changes are redefining the world every moment, these values are ageless which will help an individual to survive the test of time.


Einstein in his famous speech on Tercentennial celebrations of American High Education had said, The school has always been the most important means of transferring the wealth of tradition from one generation to the next. This applies today in an even higher degree than in former time, for through modern development of the economic life, the family as bearer of tradition and education has been weakened. The continuance and health of human society is therefore in a still higher degree dependent on the school than formerly”. The school by this means is doing a yeomen’s job by providing the education system established on CVP and very much takes the onus of materializing what had been highlighted by the genius himself which still holds water in the present world. Dedicated to the cause of education we broaden the horizon of schooling experience of students to new vistas on the global platform through CVP.